Miljöinformationen för beklometasondipropionat (vattenfritt) är framtagen av företaget GlaxoSmithKline för Becotide®, Becotide® Nasal
Risk för miljöpåverkan av beklometason kan inte uteslutas då det inte finns tillräckliga ekotoxikologiska data.
Beklometason är potentiellt persistent.
Beklometason har låg potential att bioackumuleras.
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Detaljerad miljöinformation
Detailed background information
Environmental Risk Classification
Predicted Environmental Concentration (PEC)
PEC is calculated according to the following formula:
PEC (μg/L) = (A*109*(100-R)/(365*P*V*D*100) = 1.37*10-6*A(100–R)
PEC = 8.41 x 10-4μg/L
A = 6.14 kg (total sold amount API in Sweden year 2023, derived from all salt forms, data from IQVIA).
R = 0% removal rate (conservatively, it has been assumed there is no loss by adsorption to sludge particles, by volatilization, hydrolysis or biodegradation).
P = number of inhabitants in Sweden = 10 *106
V (L/day) = volume of wastewater per capita and day = 200 (ECHA default) (Reference 1)
D = factor for dilution of waste water by surface water flow = 10 (ECHA default) (Reference 1)
According to the European Medicines Agency guideline on environmental risk assessment of medicinal products (EMA/CHMP/SWP/4447/00), use of Beclomethasone dipropionate is unlikely to represent a risk for the environment, because the predicted environmental concentration (PEC) is below the action limit 0.01 μg/L.
Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC)
Ecotoxicological studies
All data refers to Beclomethasone dipropionate
No data
Water flea (Daphnia magna):
Acute toxicity
EC50 48 h (immobility) = 3.74 μg/L (OECD 202) (Reference 6)
Water flea (Ceriodaphnia dubia):
Chronic toxicity
No data
Bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus):
Acute toxicity
LC50 48 h (lethality) = 1,600 μg/L (OECD 203) (Reference 8)
Chronic toxicity
No data
Other ecotoxicity data:
Microorganisms in activated sludge:
EC50 3 h (inhibition) = 97,200, µg/L (OECD 209) (Reference 2)
Sediment toxicity
Blackworm (Lumbriculus variegates):
EC50 28d (lethality) > 500,000 µg/kg (OECD 218) (Reference 12)
Terrestrial toxicity
Manure worm (Eisenia foetida):
LC50 28d (lethality) > 750,000 µg/kg (TAD 4.12) (Reference 9)
PNEC cannot be calculated because data is not available for all three (algae, crustacean and fish) of the toxicity endpoints.
Environmental risk classification (PEC/PNEC ratio)
Risk of environmental impact of beclomethasone cannot be excluded, since there is not sufficient ecotoxicity data available.
All data refers to Beclomethasone dipropionate
Biotic degradation
Ready degradability:
3% degradation in 28 days (TAD 3.11) (Reference 7)
Inherent degradability:
No Data
Soil Metabolism:
21.9-61.5% degradation in 64 days (TAD 4.12) (Reference 8)
Abiotic degradation
50% degradation (pH 7) in 166 h (TAD 3.09) (Reference 11)
No data
Justification of chosen degradation phrase:
Beclomethasone is not readily biodegradable. There are no data for inherent biodegradation. The phrase “beclomethasone is potentially persistent” is thus chosen.
All data refers to Beclomethasone dipropionate
Bioconcentration factor (BCF):
Partitioning coefficient:
Log Pow = 3.49 (TAD 3.04). (Reference 10)
Justification of chosen bioaccumulation phrase:
Since log Pow < 4, the substance has low potential for bioaccumulation.
For the active metabolite, beclomethasone-17-monopropionate, there is low potential to bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms. Log Powcalculated = 3.5 @ pH 7.4 (Reference 2).
Excretion (metabolism)
Beclomethasone dipropionate is a prodrug with weak pharmacological activity but once clinically administered it is extensively hydrolyzed into its active metabolite beclomethasone-17-monopropionate (Reference 3). There are two minor metabolites, beclomethasone-21-monoprppionate and beclomethasone, which are inactive. Approximately 60 % of dose is excreted in the faeces as free and conjugated polar metabolites (Reference 4).
PBT/vPvB assessment
Beclomethasone does not fulfil the criteria for PBT and/or vBvP.
All three properties, i.e. ‘P’, ‘B’ and ‘T’ are required in order to classify a compound as PBT (Reference 1). Beclomethasone does not fulfil the criteria for PBT and/or vBvP based on log Pow < 4.
Please, also see Safety data sheets on
ECHA, European Chemicals Agency. 2008 Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment.
ACD /LogD. September 2011. Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.
Martin LE, et al, Clin Pharmacol Ther 15:267-275, 1974.
Lipworth, Br J Clin Pharmacol 42:697-705, 1996.
Jenkins WR. AH15720AA: Activated Sludge – Respiration Inhibition Test. Report No. WPT/94/026. Pharmaco LSR Ltd, January 1995.
Jenkins CA. AH15720AA: Acute Toxicity to Daphnia magna. Report No. WPT/94/026. Pharmaco LSR Ltd, December 1994.
Jenkins WR. AH15720AA: Biotic Degradation with Acclimatised Composite Inoculum. Modified Sturm Test. Report No. WPT/94/026. Pharmaco LSR Ltd, January 1995.
O’Connor J. AH15720AA: Biodegradation in Soil. Report No. WPT/94/026. Pharmaco LSR Ltd, December 1994.
Wetton PM and Bartlett AJ. AH15270AA: Earthworm Subacute 28-Day Toxicity Test. Report No. WPT/93/113. Safepharm Laboratories Ltd, February 1996.
Colwyn TC. AH15270AA: Determination of Physico-Chemical properties. Report No. WPT/94/026. Pharmaco LSR Ltd, December 1994.
Colwyn TC. AH15270AA: Determination of Hydrolysis as a Function of pH. Report No. WPT/94/026. Pharmaco LSR Ltd, December 1994.
Sewell IG and McKenzie J. Beclomethasone Dipropionate: A Prolonged Toxicity Test Using Spiked Sediment with the Oligochaete, Lumbriculus variegatus. Report No. 1127/307. Safepharm Laboratories Ltd, July 2004.
Miljöinformationen för formoterol är framtagen av företaget AstraZeneca för Bevespi Aerosphere, Budfor, Edoflo, Eltren, Eltren forte, Eltren mite, Gardette, Gardette forte, Gardette mite, Oxis® Turbuhaler®, Riltrava Aerosphere, Symbicort, Symbicort® Turbuhaler®, Symbicort® forte Turbuhaler®, Symbicort® mite Turbuhaler®, Trixeo Aerosphere
Användning av formoterol har bedömts medföra försumbar risk för miljöpåverkan.
Formoterol är potentiellt persistent.
Formoterol har låg potential att bioackumuleras.
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Detaljerad miljöinformation
PEC/PNEC = 0.000050 μg/L /94 μg/L = 0.5*10-7
PEC/PNEC ≤ 0.1
Environmental Risk Classification
Predicted Environmental Concentration (PEC)
The PEC is based on the following calculation:
PEC (µg/L) = (A*109*(100-R))/(365*P*V*D*100)
PEC (µg/L) = 1.37*10-6*A*(100-R)
PEC = 1.37 * 10-6 *0.34*(100-0)
= 0.000050 µg/L
A (kg/year) = total sold amount API in Sweden year 2020, data from IQVIA
= 0.34 kg
R (%) = removal rate (due to loss by adsorption to sludge particles, by volatilization,
hydrolysis or biodegradation)
= 0%
P = number of inhabitants in Sweden
= 10*106
V (L/day) = volume of wastewater per capita and day
= 200 L/day (Ref 1)
D = factor for dilution of waste water by surface water flow
= 10 (Ref 1)
Note: The factor 109 converts the quantity used from kg to μg.
Metabolism and excretion
The major part of the dose of formoterol fumarate dihydrate is eliminated via metabolism. After inhalation, 8-13% of the delivered dose is excreted unmetabolised in the urine. (Ref 2).
Ecotoxicity Data
Study Type |
Method |
Result |
Reference |
Toxicity to green algae, Selenastrum capricomutum, growth inhibition test |
OECD201 |
72 hour NOECgrowth rate = 30 mg/L 72 hour LOECgrowth rate = 60 mg/L 72 hour EC50growth rate = 94 mg/L 72 hour NOECbiomass = 15 mg/L 72 hour LOECbiomass = 30 mg/L 72 hour EC50biomass = 46 mg/L |
3 |
Acute toxicity to Daphnia magna |
OECD202 |
48 hour NOEC = 55 mg/L 48 Hour EC50 = 144 mg/L |
4 |
Acute toxicity to rainbow trout, Oncohynchus mykiss |
OECD203 |
96 hour NOEC = 120 mg/L 96 hour EC50 > 120 mg/L |
5 |
Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC)
Short-term test have been undertaken for species from three trophic levels, based on internationally accepted guidelines. The most sensitive species of these is the green alga, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (formerly known as Selenastrum capriocornutum), and the growth rate end point has been applied. Therefore, the PNEC is based on the growth rate results (EC50) from the toxicity to P subcapitata study, and an assessment factor of 1000 is applied in accordance with ECHA guidance (Ref 6).
PNEC = 94 000/1000 = 94 µg/L
Environmental risk classification (PEC/PNEC ratio)
PEC/PNEC = 0.000050 µg/L /94 µg/L = 0.5*10-7
PEC/PNEC ≤ 0.1
The PEC/PNEC ratio decides the wording of the aquatic environmental risk phrase, and the risk phrase for PEC/PNEC ≤ 0.1 reads as follows:“Use of formoterol fumarate dihydrate has been considered to result in insignificant environmental risk”.
In Swedish: “Användning av formoterol fumarat dihydrat har bedömts medföra försumbar risk för miljöpåverkan” under the heading “Miljörisk”.
Environmental Fate Data
Study Type |
Method |
Result |
Reference |
Aerobic biodegradation |
ISO 8727-1984E |
20.5% biodegradation after 28 days. Not readily biodegradable |
6 |
Physical Chemistry Data
Study Type |
Method |
Result |
Reference |
Octanol-water distribution coefficient |
Shake flask |
pH 5 logDOW = 0.146 pH 7 logDOW = 1.18 pH 9 logDOW = 7.85 |
7 |
Dissociation Constant |
Potentiometric titration |
pKa = 7.9 (Phenol) pKa = 9.2 (Amine) |
8 |
Based on the data above and lack of further studies, the phrase “Formoterol fumarate dihydrate is potentially persistent” is chosen.
In Swedish: “Formoterol fumarat dihydrat är potentiellt persistent ” under the heading ”Nedbrytning”.
Partition coefficient Octanol/Water
Log D = 1.18 at pH 7
Since Log D < 4 the phrase ‘Formoterol fumarate dihydrate has low potential for bioaccumulation’ is assigned.
In Swedish: ”Formoterol fumarat dihydrat har låg potential att bioackumuleras” under the heading ”Bioackumulering”.
[ECHA] European Chemicals Agency. Guidance on Information Requirements and Chemical Safety Assessment. Chapter R.16: Environmental exposure assessment (version 3.0). February 2016.
Determination of absolute pulmonary bioavailability of formoterol when given via Turbuhaler® to healthy volunteers. Report No. 37-CR-3004. January 1995.
Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate: Toxicity to the green alga Selenastrum capricornutum. Brixham Environmental Laboratory, AstraZeneca, UK. Report BL8081 (2005).
Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate: Acute toxicity to Daphnia magna. Brixham Environmental Laboratory, AstraZeneca, UK Report BL8082 (2005).
Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate: Acute toxicity to Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Brixham Environmental Laboratory, AstraZeneca, UK. Report BL8083 (2005).
A026: Biodegradability. Report no: 59/93, Toxicon, Landskrona, Sweden. 10 January 1994
Determination of the n-octanol/Water Partition Coefficient of Formoterol Fumarate by the Shake Flask Method, 123K-104, EAG, Inc., Easton, Maryland 2017
Marketing, S1-03 general Properties, Formoterol Fumarate Dihydrate. AstraZeneca report BD4179 (2009).