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Sök apotek med läkemedlet i lager

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Sanofi AB

Tablett 100 mg
(rund, bikonvex, vit till gulvit, märkt med aktionspotentialsymbol samt 100 på ena sidan, skåra på andra sidan, diameter 8,1 mm. Skåran är inte avsedd för delning av tabletten.)

Retbarhetsnedsättande medel

Aktiv substans:
ATC-kod: C01BD01
Läkemedel från Sanofi AB omfattas av Läkemedelsförsäkringen.
  • Vad är miljöinformation?




Miljörisk: Användning av amiodaron har bedömts medföra försumbar risk för miljöpåverkan.
Nedbrytning: Amiodaron är potentiellt persistent.
Bioackumulering: Amiodaron har hög potential att bioackumuleras.

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Detaljerad miljöinformation

Environmental Risk Classification

Predicted Environmental Concentration (PEC)

PEC is calculated according to the following formula:

PEC (µg/L) = (A*109*(100-R))/(365*P*V*D*100) = 1.37*10-6*A*(100-R)

PEC = 0.0529 µg/L

A = 384,9709  kg (total sold amount API in Sweden year 2021, data from IQVIA)
R = 0% removal rate (due to loss by adsorption to sludge particles, by volatilization, hydrolysis or biodegradation)
P = number of inhabitants in Sweden = 10*106
V (L/day) = volume of wastewater per capita and day = 200 (ECHA default) (Ref I).
D = factor of dilution of waste water by surface water flow = 10 (ECHA default) (Ref I).

Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC)

Ecotoxicological studies

Algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata):
EC50 72 h (growth rate): >12 μg/L
NOEC 72 h (growth rate): 12 μg/L

Test item: Amiodarone Hydrochloride
(Protocol: OECD 201)
(Ref II)

Crustacean (Daphnia magna):

NOEC 21 d (reproduction, mortality): 68.4 μg/L
Test item: Amiodarone Hydrochloride

(Protocol: OECD 211)

(Ref III)

Fish (Pimephales promelas):
NOEC 28 days (survival, growth): 623 μg/L
(Protocol: OECD 210)
(Ref IV)

Other ecotoxicity data:

The PNEC (μg/L) = lowest EC50/10 was calculated using results from the most sensitive toxicity endpoint and an assessment factor of 10 (three long-term results from species representing three trophic levels), to add a safety margin to the toxicity endpoint. The most sensitive species was Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata for which the NOEC 72 h was 12 μg/L.

PNEC = 12 μg/L/10 = 1.2 µg/L

Environmental Risk Classification (PEC/PNEC ratio)

PEC/PNEC= 0.053/1.2 = 0.044

PEC/PNEC ≤ 0.1 which justifies the phrase “Use of amiodarone has been considered to result in insignificant environmental risk”.


Biotic degradation

Ready degradability:

Test showed 0% degradation in 28 days (OECD 301B) (Ref V).

Justification of chosen bioaccumulation phrase:

Amiodarone fails to pass the criteria for ready biodegradability which justifies the phrase “Amiodarone is potentially persistent”.


Partitioning coefficient:
Log Pow 7.96 at pH 7

Test item: Amiodarone Hydrochloride

(Protocol: OECD 123)

(Ref VI).

Justification of chosen bioaccumulation phrase:

Since log Pow of 7.96 > 4 at pH 7, the substance has high potential for bioaccumulation.

Excretion (metabolism)

Amiodarone is excreted as <1 % as parent compound in urine and most of it is excreted as metabolites, through feces (Ref VII) (Ref VIII).

Metabolites identified are N-desethylamiodarone (main metabolite), di-N-desethylamiodarone (Ref IX). Metabolites may possess some antiarrhythmic activity (Ref IX).


  1. ECHA, European Chemicals Agency, 2008 Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment.

  2. Sanofi, internal report: Growth inhibition test with Amiodarone Hydrochloride on Algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata). OECD 201. Report # 12/358-022AL, June 2013.

  3. Sanofi Internal report: Chlorhydrate Amiodarone: Influence to Daphnia magna in a Semi-Static Reproduction Test. OECD 211. Report 135331221, 2019

  4. Overturf MD, Overturf CL, Baxter D, Hala DN, Constantine L, Venables B, Huggett DB. 2012. Early life-stage toxicity of eight parmaceuticals to the fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas. 62: 455-464.

  5. Sanofi, internal report: Determination of the ready biodegradability CO2 evolution test. OECD 301B. Report # 32145 ECS, January 2007.

  6. Sanofi Internal report: Chlorhydrate Amiodarone: Determination or the Partition Coefficient (n-Octanol/Water) by Slow Stirring Method at pH7. OECD123. Report 135331186, 2019

  7. Latini R, Tognoni G, Kates RE. 1984. Clinical pharmacokinetics of amiodarone. 9: 136-156.

  8. Cohen-Lehman J, Dahl P, Danzi S, Klein I. 2010. Effect of amiodarone therapy on thyroid function. Nature Reviews Endocrinology. 6: 34-41.

  9. HSDB, online review, February 2014: http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/search/f?./temp/~we4XnE:1.